Ghiberti chair



Ghiberti Chair
by Nynke Koster and Renate Nederpel

In 1921, the former director of the KABK bought a copy of the famous doors ‘Porta del Paradiso’(1425) by Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455). These plaster doors form the basis of Nynke Koster’s graduation collection ‘Coexist’(2013). The collection consists of 6 objects which are derived from copying various locations. The negatives of this copies get a new identity and together form her collection.

The panels tell the story of the old testament of the bible. This new way of looking to the story negative opens up this new world of interpretation.“I can take the memory of the place, the value it has, in fragments with me. The work balances on the border between art and design.”

Commissioned by the KABK in 2016 Nynke was asked to create a present for here old furniture teacher Wim Ros who retired. She wanted to give her teacher a 3D memory of the art school  because it has been more then a school all these years. Nynke decided to use a exact copy of one of the panels of the door. In collaboration with Renate Nederpel, who is also a former student of Wim Ros, it turns out to be this chair.

The construction concept of the “Ghiberti” chair is developed by Renate Nederpel. Typical design aspect of this ‘Ghiberti’ chair are the two separate elements who, when brought together, transform into the final form of the chair. The foldable seating takes form when pushed between the poles of the frame. The tension who appears between these two elements is basically the main construction. There is no need for extra fixing between these two elements to create this chair.

The work of Nederpel can be characterized by the combined use of textile materials with the technique of folding. The “Ghiberti” chair who is a development from her original design, the ‘Butterfly’ chair, part of the PopUp linen collection (2013), is used for this special collaboration.